From Fireman to Real Estate Champion in One Year | Nick Strumke — Keller Williams Oak and Ocean

Scott Trembley: Hello, everyone. Scott Trembley here, President and CEO of The Trembley Group Real Estate Firm here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, otherwise known as 'Coach T'. Today, I'm standing here with just an amazing individual, long time friend, I've known Nick and his family for a long time and he's just incredible. So Nick, glad to have you, brother.

Nick Strumke:  Thank you, Coach. Hello, everyone.

Scott Trembley: So, heres the deal. Nick was in the real estate business and Nick came to me whenever we started The Trembley Group and said, "Scott, I would really like to work with you and I would love for you to help me build a real business" and so we talked about it and we got together and so my question for Nick is, since being here, what's The Trembley Group meant to you and tell me about your experience here with our company?

Nick Strumke: It's been a different lifestyle, more of like a family-oriented type company. Not gonna name any names, but the last company I come from just didn't have the support and training that you offer here. It's just been a whole different world, my real estate, my life has improved tremendously the last year and a half since I started with you.

Scott Trembley: I'm so proud of you man, I mean can't tell ... He's giving me chills. I don't know how many times I tell this guy I'm so proud of him. This is like one of my true, true, true rock stars. I'm gonna put a number up there, this is his first year, first calendar year with The Trembley Group and Mr. Nick Strumke is already at 45 sales for 2017. Before, in the business, I think he might have sold five homes in a total year or what have you?

Nick Strumke: Yeah, I think it was six my first year and then the half year with you, I did 25.

Scott Trembley: Yeah.

Nick Strumke: Trying to get that 50 mark.

Scott Trembley: That's right. So, it took 25 in a half year, his goal was 50 and a million dollar producer each month was when Nick and I talked about it the first of the year. So Nick tell me this - and that's incredible by the way - give me two or three things that really you think has helped you achieve the numbers that you have.

Nick Strumke: It's like I said before, if the system's in place, the Boomtown website is by far the best in the industry. Obviously, the training, the role play twice a week, Scott's one-on-one's and also just the overall way The Trembley Group works. It's like a machine, so it's just nonstop. It's hard to fail here. It really is.

Scott Trembley: Yeah, I love it. I love the machine, that's awesome. We do think of it as a machine for sure. So here's the thing guys, this guy's amazing, he's a true rock star, his numbers speak for themselves. I'm gonna end on this, behind on the board here you see five of our core values and they're all truly amazing. Nick's gonna just talk to this one right here. This is 100/0. It's 100% accountable and zero excuses in your business and life. So, tell me what that core value has done for your business and your life here.

Nick Strumke: You know the structure here. You have twice a week role play, no excuses, make it happen, get here on time, get the training and the coaching you need, making goals, set your goals. You know, you give us goals weekly and just sticking to that. There no other company that really puts that on you. Kinda out there doing your own thing. Here, the structure is key.

Scott Trembley: We're all about crushing today. Let me tell you. So guys here's the thing, guys and gals, we are always looking for that next amazing special person and if you're looking for possibly having a story somewhat like Nick's, maybe changing your life, doubling your business, tripling your business, I'm not sure, maybe a cultural change or what have you, we'd love to talk to you, we're always looking for that special person, so reach out to me on my cell phone, my number is 843-455-6636 and the email address is Change your life today and go be amazing. Take care. 

👉 Looking to Join Our Dynamic Culture & Team? Reach out to Scott Trembley, President & CEO,, 843.455.6636

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At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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