JUNE | Fun Things To Do In Myrtle Beach — Keller Williams Oak and Ocean

What’s to do in Myrtle Beach and along the Grand Strand in June? Ask a Trembley Group Real Estate Sales Executive what they like to do in June and they’ll all tell you, “Positively change lives by offering unprecedented real estate services to home buyers and home sellers along the Grand Strand.” Ask them what they like second best, it might be surprising to hear from a few, “Nothing, nothing at all.”

The Grand Strand

Well, not exactly nothing. Myrtle Beach weather in June is perfect. Highs average a comfortable 85 degrees during the day and a balmy 70 degrees at night. The Grand Strand was so named by a newspaperman in a 1940s article and the name has stuck.  ‘Strand’, German for ‘beach’, describes 60 miles of wide, safe, beautiful, sandy beaches.

The Grand Strand includes the beach towns of Cherry Grove Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Atlantic Beach, Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach, Garden City, Murrells Inlet, Litchfield by the Sea, Pawley’s Island and Georgetown. Each has their own special niche or vibe.

There are always lots of things to do in Myrtle Beach and along the Grand Strand with festivals, dancing, fine dining, more than 100 golf courses    but the number one attraction of the Grand Strand, the reason that the area attracts more than 14 million visitors per year and the reason that the area is a number one year-around retirement destination, is the beach itself. Myrtle Beach beaches are friendly, safe, clean and inviting.

The beaches are public and boast perfect body-surfing waves, lots of shells and sharks teeth, and many watersport activities. However, the beach itself can tend to get overcrowded in places. For someone who likes crowds, North Myrtle Beach down to Surfside is perfect for you. Those seeking a lot more privacy and seclusion may be out of luck, but the areas of Litchfield by the Sea and Pawley’s Island are a lot less crowded.

Here are a few more of our favorite things to do on the beach in the Myrtle Beach area:

Walking on the Beach

It goes without saying that the best walking “trail” on the Grand Strand isn’t really a trail at all. It’s the 60-mile stretch of Carolina coastline that offers beautiful ocean views and a cool sea breeze. Those opposed to walking in sand can use the miles of boardwalks in Myrtle Beach, Murrells Inlet, or Conway.

The Grand Strand is a great walking area. Early-morning beach walkers enjoy year-round quiet times as the sun rises over the Atlantic Ocean. It’s the perfect way to start the day. And late-night strollers, flashlights in hand, marvel at the spectacular moonrises and the haunting effect of a nighttime visit. The beach at  Mid-day, especially in the summer months, takes on a new energy while families and singles, young and old, relish in America’s favorite pastime.

Beach Games

Little has changed since visitors first began to vacation at the beach. The bathing

suits have become a bit smaller, but the beach as always meant fun in the sun and playtime. Frisbee, Volleyball, Bocce Ball, and playing catch with a football or baseball remain tops in beach gaming, but a few new games on the beach may be Ladderball, Frisbee Golf, Cornhole, and whatever new favorites show up each summer.


Catch a wave and you’re sitting on top of the world!” The Beach Boys were the first to sing that line in the 1960s as the surfing craze kicked into high gear. No surfboard? No problem. It’s possible to get as much if not more of the experience by grabbing a body board at the closest beachwear store for $5-10. A good swimmer can even master the art of body surfing — using your body to surf the front of a wave. Myrtle Beach’s waves are just about perfect for both the beginner and the daredevil.

Build a Sandcastle

Large or small, simple or complex, few activities can surpass the simple joy of building a sandcastle on the beach. Though the art of building sandcastles is often lost on adults, occasionally some big kid,” will be seen working on a monster. Professional sandcastle builders visit the Grand Strand for competitions and amaze folks with artistic and engineering skills. Try building one. You know you want to, and it’s free!


Beachcombers have long scoured the sand for that one perfect shell, but along the Grand Strand it can be tricky. It’s all about the timing. It’s best to go early before the best shells are gone. And at low tide, there are wider expanses of sand to search through. After storms and during full moons, when tides are stronger, the shelling is usually better. Keep an eye peeled for the hard to spot, shark’s tooth. They’re hard to spot but not as rare as most people think.

The Market Commons Farmers Market

Now through to September 30th

Every Saturday, 10:00am – 3:00pm

On the way home from the mornings walk, stop at the farmers market in Market Commons for some lunch fixings. The market has become so popular that it has expanded to include both Deville Street and the median on Howard Avenue!

In addition to locally grown fruits and vegetables, visitors can choose from baked goods, flowers, seafood, plants, artisan crafts, jams and jellies and more.

After picking up the makings for lunch, take a drive through the Market Common residential neighborhoods and have a look at all this very special area has to offer.

Car Shows

When not shag dancing this summer, the Sales Executives at The Trembley Group Real Estate love to attend the classic car shows that Myrtle Beach is Famous for. There are a couple this year in June.

Corvettes at Myrtle Beach

Saturday, June 2, 2018

9:00am – 3:00pm 

Broadway at the Beach, 1325 Celebrity Circle, Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

The 23RD Annual Corvette Show “Corvettes at Myrtle Beach” is June 2nd. The Myrtle Beach Corvette Club hosts this year’s event at Broadway at the Beach. Last year’s show had more than 300 entrants and raised over $22,000 for two selected charities. The show runs from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Admission to view these fine classic cars is free. All proceeds this year will support Veterans Welcome Home and Resource Center and ALL4PAWS.

Mopars At The Beach

Saturday, June 23

8:00am – 11:00pm

Christ United Church, 2901 Fantasy Way, Myrtle Beach, SC, 29579


Mopar enthusiasts and muscle car connoisseurs are invited to attend Myrtle Beach’s Annual “Mopars at the Beach.” Owners of Mopar brands (like classic Chrysler products and Jeep) are invited to gather for a week of events and fun. The Mopar Classic & Modern Muscle Car Show offers awards for various categories like Best Engine Bay, Best Truck and Best in Show. The week culminates in a classic and muscle car show at the Christ United Church at 8 AM until 11 AM at 2901 Fantasy Way, Myrtle Beach. For more information visit the Mopars at the Beach website. 

Need help? Call The Trembley Group at 843.945.1880 ext. 1 and we’ll help you look for the perfect listing or buyers agent!

At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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