According to a 16th-century proverb, April showers bring May flowers. Unless of course it’s 2018 and you live in New York or Pennsylvania or Ohio or Ontario. In that case, April is bringing snow this year. We wish them well as they dig themselves out. That’s just another reason the Sales Executives at The Trembley Group Real Estate love living in Myrtle Beach and along the Grand Strand. April’s average temperatures are in the mid-70 – just about perfect for long strolls on the beach and for breaking out the golf clubs and fishing poles and heading for the links or the pier.

April is also the perfect month to dust off the rakes and shovels, do a little planting and prepare the ground for May’s flowers and June’s tomatoes. In fact, April 14 is National Gardening Day so why not head down to the local gardening center for some ideas or have coffee with a few of the neighbors and swap some of the seeds saved from last year’s garden.

National Gardening Day is the perfect day for gardeners and would-be gardeners to pick up a shovel and some seeds and kick-off a beautiful year of homegrown bounty.

Whether growing vegetables, fruit, flowers, houseplants or anything in between, National Gardening Day celebrates the satisfying pastime that gardeners have enjoyed for decades. Home-grown food also puts fresh and natural nourishment on a family’s table at a fraction of grocery store prices. Plus, there is absolutely nothing better than biting into a home-grown tomato sandwich.

National Gardening Day is a call to action. Get out and grow flower or vegetable gardens regardless of whether you plant in the ground, in containers, in straw bales or a square foot gardening box.


How To Observe

National Gardening Day was conceived by the Quarto Group to celebrate gardening and to encourage home gardeners and students to learn more about how to garden.

There are many ways to observe National Gardening Day including:

  • Find the right book, guide or resource for your needs at Cool Springs Press, county extension service, the local bookstore or library.

  • Sign up for a gardening course in your area, or find a Square Foot Gardening course with a Square Foot Gardening Certified Instructor.

  • Ask neighbors about starting a community garden in the area.

  • Organize a seed and perennial plant swap with neighbors and friends.

  • Join a garden club. There isn’t one near? Start one!

  • Visit your local nursery or garden center. Every year, gardeners are amazed and excited by all the beautiful new options.

  • Visit Quarto Homes on Facebook and Instagram for more gardening information

  • Share on social media using #NationalGardeningDay #diygarden.

  • Residents of Carolina Forest can join and volunteer for Beautify Carolina Forest.


Beautify Carolina Forest

Beautify Carolina Forest was established to improve the appearance of the streetscape and gateways into the Carolina Forest community.  The organization identifies areas, such as roadway medians, that can be beautified through the planting of trees and shrubs. Concept drawings are developed and approved by county planners and engineers, and funding sources are identified, such as a Palmetto Pride grant.  Individuals, businesses, HOA’s, and organizations, such as Keep Horry County Beautiful, are asked to partner with Beautify Carolina Forest volunteers and help Beautify Carolina Forest in reaching its goal. Fundraising remains key to this all-volunteer program.

Increasing the beauty of the Carolina Forest surroundings is the primary objective of the organization.  Unfortunately, litter and unkempt areas are a distraction from the natural beauty of the area. Areas most in need of additional care and maintenance are identified and rectified through cooperation with local and state agencies.  Participation in the Great American Cleanup rounds out a nationwide push to keep our communities beautiful.

A beautiful, non-littered community inspires everyone and the organization’s involvement in beautification planning in the community is ongoing. The help of volunteers is vital to keep Carolina Forest Beautiful!


April Litter Cleanup Weekend

Friday 04/13 to Sunday 04/15

Beautify Carolina Forest coordinates community-wide litter cleanup events once a month. April’s cleanup event is on National Gardening Day. Existing litter cleanup teams will work in their designated areas. Any extra volunteers from an existing team or new volunteers can contact for assignments, instructions, and supplies. New Volunteers will meet at Recreation Center on Saturday, April 14 at 8:00 am.


Median Beautification Project

The Carolina Forest Median Beautification Project is a multi-year, phased project that will augment and refresh existing landscape and gradually landscape other medians on both Carolina Forest Boulevard and River Oaks Drive over a multi-year time frame.  Plants approved for the medians include crape myrtles, sabal palms, knock-out roses, ornamental grasses, and flowering perennials. The total project cost is estimated at $25,000 and funding for the project is entirely through grants and donations. In an effort to continue this project and future beautification plans, the organization needs donations and volunteers to help complete this community project.

Whether volunteering to do litter cleanup, mowing, planting trees or shrubs, fund-raising, or general administration, The Carolina Forest Beautification Project can use help. There’s no better day to volunteer than April 14, National Gardening Day. Visit their website to volunteer.

Need help? Call The Trembley Group at 843.945.1880 ext. 1 and we’ll help you look for the perfect listing or buyers agent!

At The Trembley Group, we pride ourselves on being the experts at more than just selling real estate. We are local residents, some of us have been here for a lifetime. The rest of us will be here until the end of time. We love living, working, and playing in the diverse backyard of Coastal Carolina, and look forward to helping you live and love your dreams soon too. Please reach out to us by phone or email for personalized service and one-on-one advice. 

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